Mail to dev team in the ticketing process

Mail is sent:

  • when new ticket is created
  • when a new ticket has been reviewed by a mod and escalated to the dev team

Check this page for an overview of the flow.

Mail format

FieldExample of valueDescriptionFormat
"message"ticketAlways "ticket"String
"issueRef"ZEH-105Unique identifier of the ticketID (String)
"creationDate"28/06/2021 10:28:19Date and time of creation (Western Europe)String/date
"dateFormat"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss(for info) Format of the dateString
"issueType"StuckTXID of ticket type (other types don't generate yet a ticket, like a bug report, UI improvment, etc)ID (string)
"issueStatusID"10020ID of the status 10020 = "New", 10022 = "Escalated to Discord"ID (number)
"issueStatusLabel"New(for info) Label of the status corresponding to the IDString
"originChain"PolygonOrigin chain of the transferID (string)
"destinationChain"AvalancheDestination chain of the transferID (string)
"token"ZEROToken transferredFree text (string)
"txID" of the TX IDURL

Example of a mail sent in case of a new ticket:
"message": "ticket",
"issueRef": "ZEH-105",
"creationDate": "28/06/2021 10:28:19",
"dateFormat": "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss",
"issueType": "StuckTX",
"issueStatusID": "10020",
"issueStatusLabel": "New",
"originChain": "Polygon",
"destinationChain": "Avalanche",
"token": "zero",
"txID": ""

Example of a mail sent in case of an escalated ticket:
"message": "ticket",
"issueRef": "ZEH-104",
"creationDate": "28/06/2021 10:27:07",
"dateFormat": "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss",
"issueType": "StuckTX",
"issueStatusID": "10022",
"issueStatusLabel": "Escalated to Discord",
"originChain": "BSC",
"destinationChain": "Avalanche",
"token": "zero",
"txID": ""